
Hello - I am Francine, I love jewelry!

I try to make this fun and informative. So if you are interested in learning more about jewelry and want to know more about a jewelry related topic, let me know and we can blog about it!

Have fun!!

Sunday, May 9, 2010



It has been a while but things have been crazy!  Good crazy but not a lot of computer time. Hope all of the Mom's out there had a great day.  Rachael got me three pretty balloons and a gift card to one of my favorite restaurants.  Thanks Rachy!!! 

Well today I taught a jewelry class for the first time.  I have a training background so it is not the first time I stood up in front of people teaching but the 1st time I tough someone how to make jewelry.  This was a fun class as it involved several skills which 2 out of the 4 did not have.  Overall, it went well and everyone finished their initial ring with a pearl dangle.

I am a huge fan of soliciting feedback and I asked the students if they would have liked to see anything different or have me go at a different pace and everyone said "no."  In looking back, there are a few things I would have done differently but the students probably did not know that:)

I have another class schedule at the end of May which is a totally different skill set so it should be fun!!!

I want to thank Laura from Embellish in Rocky River, OH for the opportunity to teach - check out her website- http://www.embellish.com/

I also created some really fun, custom jewelry. Sometimes it is fun just to use base metal and fun beads instead of the "good" stuff.  This necklace would look super cute worn with a black blouse or even white! I have attached a picture,

Full work week this week so need to get ready.  Until next time...