Boy did this week fly by! Hard to believe that it is already Friday. This week I turned a year older - while I really do not like to talk about my age - I do think that with maturity comes wiseness (yes that is a word, I just looked it up.) It is just very unfortunate that I did not have this wiseness about me when I was a 22 years old. Boy would I have done things differently! Since I am definitely no where near 22 anymore I will move on.
This weekend is the Boston Mills Art Fest - I did not enter as it is very political and to be honest, I did not want to sit at a show for another 2 days after last weekend. Don't get me wrong, I truly love selling my wares but 2 weekends in a row can be a bit overwhelming. Maybe I would think differently if I had to "live" on my jewelry income. I do, however, have a completely different view of what artists have to do to make a living WOW - what a lot of work.
Nothing too new with Rachael - has been staying out of trouble lately. Did have a scare last week when she dislocated her shoulder at her 1st soccer practice but she is recovering nicely.
On the puppy front - the puppies were born yesterday 3 boys and 3 girls. They are just adorable!!! A bit larger than my Brittanys as little puppies. Since I get third pick hopefully she is show quality if not, I will have to wait for another litter as I just do not want a male. My three girls, Shea, Bailey and Cindy are doing very well!
Hubby is good - everyday I appreciate him more and more after I see what is out there. He is truly my supporter of all of my hobbies and job. Please do NOT tell him this!!!!!! :)
Until next time...
Fun everyday stuff and jewelry blog! Come join the fun! http://www.jewelrybyfrancine.com/index.htm
Hello - I am Francine, I love jewelry!
I try to make this fun and informative. So if you are interested in learning more about jewelry and want to know more about a jewelry related topic, let me know and we can blog about it!
Have fun!!
I try to make this fun and informative. So if you are interested in learning more about jewelry and want to know more about a jewelry related topic, let me know and we can blog about it!
Have fun!!
Friday, June 26, 2009
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Greek Festival

Well it's over! What an interesting experience - 4 days at a festival. Not sure if I would do it again to be honest. While I did well I am the kind of person needs to be busy and for most of the day, at least until 6 it was slow. So I attached my new "moo" tags to some of my pieces. After 6 however, it got really busy. Overall, I did well and have no more biz cards (I guess that is a good thing)
Well not much else to say or show although my new bangle did really really well over the weekend *(I love them) great to wear multiples of and they are gold and silver. My copper pieces also sold!!
Well here is a pic of the bangles that did so well - Have a great week and will post soon!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Sorry it's been a while! Thanks to those 2 people who voted in my jewelry poll!!!!
A few updates on the home front. We get a frantic call from Rachael on Saturday night around 9:30 pm. She filled her car up $32.00 and it leaked out all over the gas station and into the street. The gas station had to call the fire department and the gas station was closed for like 2 hours. We then had to have the car towed. So $150 later - the car is currently being repaired at the dealership. UGH!!! The good news, however, is that the dealership will foot the bill!!
Puppy update - well it is official - just mailed the deposit today. She will be born on the 24th of 25th of June. I am hoping the 24th as then we will share a birthday!! How much fun is that.
So you may be asking yourself - what kind of dog? While many of you might think you know, I am in the mood for a change. My new puppy will be a GWP - German Wirehaired Pointer. I know, I know why a change - for one, the shedding. I absolutely adore my Brittanys but am really really tired of the white hair EVERYWHERE. I also really really wanted a Cindy grand daughter but it does not look like that is going to happen. So this is the route I went. I will keep you apprised.
Jewelry - I am doing the St. Demetrious Greek Festival this Thurs - Sunday! I am really excited. It is in Rocky River - here is a link to the church. http://www.saintdemetriosrr.org/
If you are in the neighborhood, stop by! I created this really cute sign for my table so that people know who I am. What do you think? It really looks better in person. I painted on a canvas with acrylic paints and it it stands on an easal. A lot less expensive then getting a sign made and sort of cute - fits in with my hand stamped jewelry.
Oh and I should blog about Tom, my husband. He got a bit paranoid when he snooped on my FB and asked why I did not indicate that I was married in my profile. Hey - at least I did not indicate that I was looking for a relationship:)
Until next time...
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Brother's Lounge #2

Great night tonight! Had a lot of fun, met a lot of new people and sold a lot!! Thanks to all of my new customers and old friends.
The band was just great - felt like I was in New Orleans. Really tired tonight but wanted to post some pics!
OH - I almost forgot - putting deposit down on a puppy - more to come...
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Jewelry Poll

Hello - I am going to try a consistent format for my blog to make it look prettier, more professional.
It's Tuesday and tomorrow starts the YART sale on Etsy. From June 10 - 14 I will have 8 items for sale. I have created a YART section in my shop. Check it out as there are some nice deals.
As you know, I am really into working with gold. I adore sterling, copper and brass, but there is just something magical about gold. This brings me to my poll. If you are following along or just tuning in from time to time, please comment and let me know if you prefer gold or silver. Thanks for all of your feedback!
Speaking of followers, I was happy to hear today that I have several folks who check in from time to time. This is very exciting to me as it makes every key stroke worth while. Thanks everyone!
Bailey is doing very well considering she fell 9 feet a few days ago - talk about 9 lives. She fell about a month ago and did not injure herself.
I never made that necklace that I talked about last Friday as I was too busy creating my flower bracelet. This is probably the 1st piece that I created totally from scratch - cut sheet, wire, drew flowers and will eventually create the clasp (still deciding on what I want to do with that ). So...
What do you think? I really like it. I initially thought that I would just have flowers, no circle in the middle. Then I received my shipment from Monsterslayer (LOVE THAT STORE!!!) I decided to solder the circles on after I texturized them with my new hammer.
I will have a special bond with the person who eventually purchases this piece as I worked on this Fri - Sun and I am still staring at it:)
Well please do not forget to leave your comments about gold or silver.
Until next time...
Saturday, June 6, 2009
The Weekend

Had quite a scare today, Bailey, my cocker who is 14 feel down about 9-10 feet!!!! Tom is replacing part of our deck and since she is blind in one eye she could not see that a board was missing and down she went!! Of course we all freaked out but looks like other than tearing a skin tag and a little limp all is well. Gave her some pain medicine and am restricting her exercise and will keep on eye on her. Those of you with dogs will appreciate the scariness of this.
What a nice day in Cleveland area! Wish the weather could stay this way forever!
Anyhow had a productive jewelry weekend - just posting one of my gold pieces as I do not want to bore you but check out the Etsy site for all of the new pieces!
Have a wonderful Saturday night and Sunday! Talk soon.
Friday, June 5, 2009
Brother's Lounge (the morning after)

Good Morning!
Had a great time attemtping to sell my jewelry at Brother's lounge last night. It was there 1st ever ladies night and they had free manicures, makeover, great prices on martinis AND a woman selling Silpada.
I did not sell anything but had a lot of great comments and gave out a lot of biz cards. There were so many people who asked "you made all of this?" That made me feel good. I even had one woman who said that if she wore jewelry, that she would wear mine - I guess that is a compliment. Anyhow I am going back next week because it is a BLAST!!! Great good, drinks and music. PLUS there was a gentleman who was in a motorcycle club who was also an off duty police officer who came up to me and said "you have been here a while" I thought WOW someone was watching me:) Hey any attention as almost 43 from anyone is good attention!!!!!
Next week I am setting myself up closer to the bar - that may have a HUGE affect on sales:)
Special thanks to Meigan, Kristen, Linda, Marilyn and Mario to coming and supporting me. Enjoy the pics and if you are available next Thursday, please come and join the fun.
I am off my real job today and it is lovely out, so I am going to enjoy the day. Plus there is a necklace that I want to make today:) Have a great one!!!!!!!
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Before the Big Night!
Isn't she just so freaking cute??????
Just about packed up for the "gig" tomorrow night. Sort of dissapointed that the bags I order have not arrived - that means that I will have to purchase more - I am trying to create a "brand image" and use either black or fuschia colored organza bag with a ribbon around the bag.
I am also excited that 4 of my friends will there tomorrow - totally excited going to "use" them as my wingmen to sell my jewelry!! Hey - this was NOT my idea it was my husbands - go figure.
Want to find a class on how to enamel - anyone have any suggestions???
I am also getting into gold - this is totally not good do you know how much gold is - check out the prices YIKES!
Wednesday, June 03, 2009
Gold Price Close Today : 964.50 Change: -18.70 or -1.9%
Currently this is the only gold piece that I have - actually it is not even gold filled or 14k it is vermeil, but I still think it it pretty- delicate. Check it out on the website - It is called Revival it's on the bracelet page.
Have a great night!!!
Just about packed up for the "gig" tomorrow night. Sort of dissapointed that the bags I order have not arrived - that means that I will have to purchase more - I am trying to create a "brand image" and use either black or fuschia colored organza bag with a ribbon around the bag.
I am also excited that 4 of my friends will there tomorrow - totally excited going to "use" them as my wingmen to sell my jewelry!! Hey - this was NOT my idea it was my husbands - go figure.
Want to find a class on how to enamel - anyone have any suggestions???
I am also getting into gold - this is totally not good do you know how much gold is - check out the prices YIKES!
Wednesday, June 03, 2009
Gold Price Close Today : 964.50 Change: -18.70 or -1.9%
Currently this is the only gold piece that I have - actually it is not even gold filled or 14k it is vermeil, but I still think it it pretty- delicate. Check it out on the website - It is called Revival it's on the bracelet page.
Have a great night!!!
Monday, June 1, 2009
First Etsy Sale

Happy Monday -
Hope everyone had a great Monday - in the "real" word today means monthly reports, looking at results and planning for June. However, in blogland it means being excited for sharing the little things on life - like selling your 1st piece on Etsy!!! I have included a picture of the bracelet.
On a not so positive note, my daughter managed to damage her car over the weekend. Not seriousy, but nonetheless, damage. Oh - she has no idea what happened!!!Oh well she will just have to live with it:(
Since I hate to end on a negative note - I have a "gig" at Brother's Lounge this Thursday, June 4th. They are having their 1st ever ladies night and I am going to sell my jewelry!!! If you are local and have time, check it out. http://www.brotherslounge.com/
Until next time...
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