Good Morning!
Had a great time attemtping to sell my jewelry at Brother's lounge last night. It was there 1st ever ladies night and they had free manicures, makeover, great prices on martinis AND a woman selling Silpada.
I did not sell anything but had a lot of great comments and gave out a lot of biz cards. There were so many people who asked "you made all of this?" That made me feel good. I even had one woman who said that if she wore jewelry, that she would wear mine - I guess that is a compliment. Anyhow I am going back next week because it is a BLAST!!! Great good, drinks and music. PLUS there was a gentleman who was in a motorcycle club who was also an off duty police officer who came up to me and said "you have been here a while" I thought WOW someone was watching me:) Hey any attention as almost 43 from anyone is good attention!!!!!
Next week I am setting myself up closer to the bar - that may have a HUGE affect on sales:)
Special thanks to Meigan, Kristen, Linda, Marilyn and Mario to coming and supporting me. Enjoy the pics and if you are available next Thursday, please come and join the fun.
I am off my real job today and it is lovely out, so I am going to enjoy the day. Plus there is a necklace that I want to make today:) Have a great one!!!!!!!
The website looks awesome! You have added lots of new things since I looked at it in the beginning! Can't wait to see the new necklace you did today!